Due to the lockdown, the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh students have had their first Journey which was scheduled for late June postponed.
The Journey requires students to hike for two days and camp overnight in a national park location. Some students eagerly prepared for this Journey during the first week of the Winter holidays by practicing how to set up and dismantle their tents.

Students will now participate in this Journey later in the year.
Students must fulfil four components to achieve the Award - Physical, Skills, Volunteer and the Journey. Students have had to put their thinking cap on and redesign how they will approach these components during lockdown.
For example, students who would visit the elderly on a weekly basis for their volunteer component had to think - how can I still be involved and give back to this organisation while in lockdown? They quickly converted their in person visits to Zoom chat sessions!
Others have converted their chosen physical activities such as soccer, netball and even ice hockey - to at-home physical workouts. While activities like drawing, cooking, textiles, knitting , touch typing, and photography have the students busy in the skills department.