St Scholastica's College will hold the After the HSC Teriary Expo on Monday, 5 June. This is an annual event for HSC Parents/Carers and students.
The event will be held onsite at the College, starting from 4pm. Students and parents/carers will have the opportunity to speak to representatives from universities, TAFE NSW and local colleges.
The following organisations will be present:
Australian Catholic University
Hotel School
JMC Academy
Macquarie University
Notre Dame University
University Admissions Centre (UAC)
University of NSW
University of Sydney
University of Tasmania
University of Technology
Western Sydney University
There will be a special guest presentation at 6pm in the TFC with a speaker from the University of Admission Centre (UAC).
Please RSVP to attend this event at the following link: https://www.trybooking.com/CIJCH