The College works innovatively to unblock students’ potential reluctance to undertake STEM subjects and to create and sustain their interest and engagement throughout their studies.
The Scholastica Technology Academy (‘scholasTECHa’) is the College’s extra-curricular STEM program. Students develop a wide range of technical skills and apply STEM principles across a range of projects and national and internal competitions. Students learn to use industry standard software and technologies in the context of real-world problem solving. Students have the opportunity to gain skills in drone flying, 3D modelling, coding, game and app development, 3D printing, laser cutting, robotics, animation, Adobe software, film making, electronics. While scholasTECHa students use cutting edge technology, they engage with Science, Mathematics and Engineering in genuine and real-world scenarios. In addition to this, they develop skills in communication, collaboration, creativity and innovation.
Year 7 students may enrol in dedicated weekly scholasTECHa sessions across the year, with the focus of the sessions changing each Term. Students in Years 8-10 are offered opportunities to opt-in to scholasTECHa based on different competitions throughout the year.
scholasTECHa compliments and connects with the learning undertaken across Technology, Mathematics and Science subjects.
As well as our internal programs, Schols senior students have the opportunity to study the following Stage 6 subjects through our partnership with UTS. Called the Wanago Program it offers the following courses:
Stage 6 Engineering Studies
Software Design and Development
Information Process Technology
Multi Media Technologies
For more information on the Wanago Program please click here:
STEM underpins communities and transforms nations. The College is committed to producing many of the STEM leaders of tomorrow.