Enrolment Process – Australian Students
We are delighted that you are considering St Scholastica's College for your daughter’s secondary education. Established in 1878, the College has a long and proud history of providing outstanding education for girls and young women in the Good Samaritan tradition.
Our College caters for the education of girls through Years 7 to 12. Our aim is to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment that allows the needs of our students to be met academically, physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually and pastorally.
Enrolment Application Status:
Enrolment applications for Year 7 2025:​
Enrolment applications for Year 7 in 2026:
Applications will close soon.
Enrolment applications for Year 7 in 2027:
Applications will close 28 March 2025.
Offers will be made in April, when students are in Year 5
Enrolment applications for Year 7 in 2028:
Applications will close 27 March 2026
Offers will be made in April, when students are in Year 5
Enrolment applications for Year 7 in 2029 and beyond
Offers will be made when students are in Year 5
Enrolment applications for Years 8 and 9 2024
Open - please call to discuss first.
Enrolment applications for Year 10 2024 or Year 11 2025
Enrolment Order of Preference
The College enrols girls whose parents/guardians seek a Catholic education, with enrolment preference applied in the following order:
Siblings of current students
Catholic students from Catholic Schools
Catholic Students from Non-Catholic Schools
Non-Catholic Students from Catholic Schools
Non-Catholic Students from Non-Catholic Schools
Consideration is given to students with past pupil history
Please note: An offer of enrolment is at the discretion of the Principal.
Enrolment – The First Step
To apply to enrol your daughter at St Scholastica's College, please complete and submit an Online Application for Enrolment Form.
Applications are accepted from students in Year 2 onwards.
All applications need to include the following documentation:
Birth Certificate
Baptismal Certificate (if you have one)
Immunisation History statement from Medicare.
Most recent school report.
Most recent NAPLAN report.
If not born in Australia, passport and visa grant letter, or Australian Citizenship Certificate.
If both parents are born overseas, Australian Citizenship Certificate or Australian Passport.
Medical/Educational specialist reports (if applicable)
Family Court Orders or Parenting Plan (if applicable)
Plus a non-refundable application fee of $220.
Once received, your application will be automatically acknowledged and processed.
First Round Offers
In April, two years prior to commencement (ie, when your daughter is in Year 5) first round offers of a place will be made. Second round offers may take place in April, one year prior to commencement (when your daughter is in Year 6), only if there are places available.
Secure Your Daughter’s Enrolment
Once an offer of enrolment is made, you will be asked to confirm acceptance and pay a non-refundable Acceptance Fee of $1,000 to St Scholastica's College by the date specified. If the offer is not accepted by the due date, it will lapse and the place will be offered to another applicant.
Enrolments for Years 8 to 12
Enrolments are possible at any time but are contingent upon places being available.
If you wish your daughter to be considered for enrolment any time after the commencement of Year 7, please complete and submit our online Application for Enrolment Form. The application will be processed and automatically acknowledged. The Enrolments Officer will contact you to discuss waitlist and availability.
Enrolment Interviews
Students applying for Years 8 – 11 will be required to attend an interview prior to any potential offer of a place at the College.
Interviews are not conducted for students applying for Year 7.
The enrolment interview provides an opportunity for the Principal or member of the Executive Staff to meet your family and to get to know your child. It is also an opportunity for you to learn about the College. Interviews will cover topics such as learning strengths and difficulties, religious life of the College, personal interests, medical issues, pastoral concerns and more.
Boarding Applications
Prospective boarding students will need to meet with the Head of Boarding or delegate.
Enrolment Process
From Year 2
Application to be submitted online
Year 5
First round offers will be made in April (end of Term 1), according to our enrolment preferences as listed above.
Upon acceptance of offer, an Acceptance Fee is to be paid by the specified date to confirm enrolment.
Those families not receiving a first round offer will be invited to remain on our waiting list and as places become available families may be contacted.
Year 6
Confirmed students will be invited to attend an 'Orientation Day' in November.
Parents/Guardians will also be invited to attend a Parent Information morning on the same day as Orientation Day.
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to book an appointment with the Uniform Shop (Ranier School Wear, 270-278 Norton Street Leichhardt) early to avoid a last minute rush.
We will be in touch through the year requesting updated documents.