Tournament of Minds (TOM) International educational program 'challenging the world' to develop creative problem-solving skills.

TOM is a program for all primary and secondary students providing the opportunity to solve authentic, open-ended challenges that foster creative, divergent thinking whilst developing collaborative enterprise, excellence and teamwork.
Challenges are set in the following disciplines:
The Arts
Language Literature
Social Sciences
This year, due to COVID lockdown, TOM will be run online and students will make a ten-minute film rather than presenting in person. There are four teams representing St Scholastica’s this year with a total of 27 students. We meet as a group, virtually each week, to share ideas and solve problems. The teams also
meet several times a week to solve their challenge.
Whilst COVID has made TOM even more challenging than usual all the students have risen to the challenges and have amazing ideas.
Ms D Quarmby